Top Open Source Icon Design Trends of 2023

Introduction to Icon Design Trends

Just like fashion and music, design sees its own evolutions and revolutions. Among these shifts, icon design stands out, acting as a representation of brands, concepts, and messages in a compact visual form. But what makes 2023 stand out in the realm of icon design?

Importance of Keeping Up with Trends

Importance for Designers

For designers, staying updated with the latest trends is not just a whim—it’s crucial for relevance. It ensures that their creations resonate with audiences and meet the current standards of aesthetics and functionality.

Importance for Brands

Brands, on the other hand, communicate their identity, values, and modernity through design. An outdated icon can paint a picture of stagnation, potentially alienating modern consumers. Who wants to look outdated when you can be contemporary?

Key Open Source Icon Design Trends

Minimalistic Approach

Minimalism isn’t new, but its adaptations are ever-evolving.

Flat Icons

Remember the days of skeuomorphic icons? Those days are long gone. Flat icons, with their simple shapes and lack of gradients, dominate the scene. They’re clean, direct, and versatile, fitting seamlessly into various contexts. Why complicate when simplicity does the trick?

Line Art Icons

Elegance in simplicity. Line art icons, often consisting of just single strokes outlining an object or concept, have become a favorite. They’re unobtrusive and blend effortlessly, especially on platforms that favor a clean user interface.

The 3D Revival

While 2D icons are thriving, 3D icons are making a remarkable comeback. With enhanced tools and software, creating intricate 3D icons that are both aesthetic and functional has become more accessible. Think of it as revisiting an old friend but with a modern twist.

Animated Icons

It’s 2023, and static is out—animation is in! Animated icons capture attention, convey emotions, and make user interactions more engaging. Imagine a heart icon that beats or a bell that rings. It’s not just an icon; it’s an experience.

Muted Color Palettes

Move over, neon and bright shades. Muted color palettes, characterized by desaturated and subdued hues, have taken over the design realm. These colors feel calm, sophisticated, and modern. Imagine soft terracotta, gentle mint, and subdued lilac gracing the icons. Sounds refreshing, doesn’t it?

How to Leverage These Trends

Adopting a trend isn’t merely about jumping on the bandwagon. It’s about aligning it with your brand’s voice and message. Experiment, adapt, and iterate. Use open-source platforms to collaborate, learn, and refine. After all, isn’t open source all about community and growth?

Challenges in Adopting New Trends

While trends offer fresh perspectives, they come with challenges. The key lies in discernment. Not every trend aligns with every brand. It’s crucial to evaluate the relevance of a trend to your message. Moreover, remember the golden rule? Form follows function. Prioritize usability over mere aesthetics.

The Future of Icon Design

As we stand at the crossroads of design in 2023, one thing is clear—icon design, fueled by open source movements, is more dynamic and inclusive than ever. The fusion of aesthetics and functionality, the past and the future, 2D and 3D, all coexist, offering designers a playground of endless possibilities. So, what’s the next trend on the horizon? Only time, creativity, and innovation will tell.


  1. Why are muted color palettes trending?
    Muted colors offer a calm and sophisticated look, appealing to contemporary audiences seeking subtlety and elegance.
  2. Are 3D icons more functional than 2D?
    Both 3D and 2D icons have their distinct advantages, and whether one is more functional than the other largely depends on the context and application.3D icons can offer a tactile and immersive experience, making certain elements on a user interface feel more interactive and dynamic. They can stand out and draw the user’s attention, which can be especially useful in VR (Virtual Reality) or AR (Augmented Reality) settings where a three-dimensional perspective is integral.On the other hand, 2D icons are often praised for their simplicity and clarity. In many digital interfaces, especially mobile or web platforms, a clean and straightforward design can enhance usability, ensuring that users instantly recognize the icon’s purpose without any ambiguity.

    In essence, neither is universally more functional than the other. The decision between 3D and 2D should be based on the specific needs of the project, the platform, and the target audience.

  3. Why is animation important in icon design?
    Animation enhances user interaction, making it more engaging and emotionally resonant.
  4. How does open source impact design trends?
    Open source fosters community collaboration, leading to diverse and rapid evolutions in design.
  5. Can I combine multiple trends in one icon design?
    Combining multiple trends in one icon design can lead to innovative and unique visuals. However, it’s essential to strike a balance to ensure that the design remains cohesive and functional. Blending trends requires careful consideration of the individual elements, their compatibility, and the message you wish to convey. When executed with discernment and creativity, the fusion of various design trends can set your icon apart and make it memorable for users. Remember, the ultimate goal is clear communication, so while experimenting is encouraged, maintaining clarity and user-friendliness should always be a priority.

Best Practices for Using Open Source Icons

Ever stopped to think about those tiny little symbols on your apps and websites? They might seem insignificant, but they play a colossal role in user experience. Now, where do you find these symbols or icons? Enter the world of open source icons. But, how to make the best out of them? Let’s dive in!

Introduction to Open Source Icons

Have you ever been gifted something and told, “Use it however you like!”? That’s what open source is all about. It’s a term that refers to something people can modify and share because it’s publicly accessible. When applied to icons, it simply means those tiny symbols are free for you to use and adapt. Now, why are icons so crucial in digital design? Think of them as the unsung heroes of the digital landscape, guiding users without a word.

Advantages of Using Open Source Icons

Why even consider using open source icons? Well, for starters:

  • Cost-Efficiency: Why buy when you can get it for free? Open source icons save costs, especially for startups and individual developers.
  • Variety & Flexibility: There’s a massive ocean of open source icons out there. Dive in, and pick whatever resonates with your project.
  • Community Support: Remember, with open source, you’re never alone. There’s always a community ready to help, give feedback, or even collaborate.

Choosing the Right Open Source Icon

Icons aren’t just pretty pictures. They convey meaning. Therefore:

  • Understanding Iconography: Ensure the icon you pick matches its intended purpose. A trash bin symbol universally indicates ‘delete’ or ‘discard’.
  • Relevance to the Project: Your chosen icon should resonate with your project’s theme. A medieval shield icon might not fit a futuristic space-themed app, right?

How to Integrate Open Source Icons in Your Project

Got the perfect icon? Great! Now:

  • Checking Compatibility: Ensure your chosen icon can be seamlessly integrated into your platform or application.
  • Customizing the Icons: The beauty of open source is the freedom to adapt. Modify the icon to match your brand colors or style, but ensure it remains recognizable.

Potential Pitfalls & How to Avoid Them

But hey, it’s not always sunshine and rainbows:

  • License Misunderstandings: Not all open source means “use it any way you want.” Always check the license. Don’t get sued over a tiny icon!
  • Overuse and Clutter: Too many icons can confuse your users. Maintain a balance. Less is often more.

Maintaining Icon Integrity

Respect is key:

  • Respecting Original Designers: Always give credit where it’s due. Even if it’s not mandatory, it’s the ethical thing to do.
  • Updates & Versioning: Icons get updated. Make sure you have the latest version to avoid inconsistencies.

Top Platforms to Source Open Source Icons

Looking for the best places to start your hunt? Try:

  • FontAwesome: A crowd favorite, offering a plethora of icons for all your needs.
  • Iconmonstr: Simple, clean, and minimalist icons for the modern designer.

Open source icons are indeed a boon in the digital design realm. They offer flexibility, variety, and cost-efficiency. However, always be mindful of the icons’ relevance, licensing, and integrity. Respect original creators, and always keep the user experience at the forefront.


  1. Can I modify open source icons?
    • Generally, yes. But always check the licensing to understand the extent of modification allowed.
  2. Do I need to credit the designer when using open source icons?
    • It depends on the license. Some require attribution, while others might not. It’s always a good practice to give credit.
  3. Are all open source icons free?
    • While most are free, some might have a ‘pay what you want’ model or ask for a donation. Always check beforehand.
  4. How can I ensure the icon matches my brand style?
    • Open source icons often come in vector formats, allowing easy customization. You can modify the color, size, and sometimes even the design to fit your brand.
  5. Are there any copyright issues with using open source icons?
    • Potential issues arise if you don’t follow the licensing agreement. Always read and respect the license associated with the icon.

Understanding Open Source Icon Licensing

Ever wondered about the little symbols you click on while navigating your favorite apps or websites? Those are icons. And if you’re a developer or designer, you’ve probably wondered how you can use them without legal repercussions. Welcome to the world of open source icon licensing!

What is Open Source Licensing?

Open source licensing refers to licenses that allow software to be freely available for the public to view, use, modify, and share. Unlike proprietary software that restricts users from accessing and modifying the source code, open source software (OSS) is transparent and encourages community collaboration.

The concept behind open source licensing is to promote the dissemination of software, allowing anyone to inspect, enhance, or tailor it for their specific needs. This fosters innovation, as developers from around the world can contribute to the software’s improvement.

There are various types of open source licenses, each with its own set of permissions and restrictions. Some of the most common ones include:

  1. MIT License: Allows users to do almost anything with the software, including modification and distribution, as long as the original copyright notice is included.
  2. GNU General Public License (GPL): Requires that any software or modifications based on it must also be open source and under the GPL.
  3. Apache License: Similar to the MIT License but also provides an express grant of patent rights from contributors to users.
  4. BSD Licenses: They are a family of permissive free software licenses that allow for redistribution and use, with or without modification, either free or proprietary.
  5. Creative Commons Licenses: While more commonly associated with media and content, they are sometimes used for software as well. They have various levels of permissions and restrictions.

It’s essential for developers and companies to understand the terms of the open source license under which the software is released, as it dictates how the software can be used, modified, and redistributed.

The Significance of Icons in Digital Projects

Icons play a massive role in modern digital projects. But why?

Enhancing User Experience

Think of icons as the road signs of the digital world. They guide users, making navigation intuitive and seamless. Imagine a world without icons. Confusing, right?

Communicating Ideas Effectively

Icons are the universal language in the digital realm. Whether you speak English, Spanish, or Martian, a trash can icon universally signals “delete.”

Diving Into Icon Licensing

So, how do we use these icons without landing in a legal mess?

Different Types of Licenses

There’s a spectrum of licenses available, each with its guidelines.

  • Public Domain Icons: These are free for personal and commercial use without any attribution.
  • Creative Commons Licenses: A range of licenses, some require attribution, some don’t allow modifications, and others don’t permit commercial use.
  • MIT & GPL Licenses: These are more common for software but can apply to icons. They allow free use but come with certain conditions.

Navigating Licensing Restrictions

The key here is understanding and respecting the terms. If an icon requires attribution, give it. If it’s not for commercial use, don’t sell it.

Why Licensing Matters

Licensing is a bridge between creators and users. It ensures creators get credit for their work while users enjoy the freedom to use it. And trust me, the last thing you want is a lawsuit for misusing an icon.

Best Practices for Using Licensed Icons

  1. Always read the license terms.
  2. Give proper attribution when required.
  3. Stay updated on licensing changes.
  4. Use trusted sources for downloading icons.

How to Ensure You’re Compliant

A simple checklist can save you from potential headaches:

  1. Check the icon’s licensing details.
  2. Document your permissions.
  3. Regularly review your digital assets for compliance.

Open source icon licensing can seem daunting, but with a little effort, it’s easy to navigate. Remember, it’s all about respecting creators while enjoying the flexibility to enhance your projects. Stay informed, stay compliant, and your digital projects will shine even brighter.


  1. What is the main advantage of open source licensing for icons?
    • It allows designers and developers to access a vast array of icons for diverse uses without hefty costs.
  2. Can I use any open source icon for commercial purposes?
    • Not all. It depends on the license associated with the icon.
  3. How do I give proper attribution?
    • Typically, you’ll mention the creator’s name and the license, but always check the specific license terms.
  4. Do I always need to check the licensing for every icon?
    • Yes. Assuming can lead to legal complications.
  5. Where can I find trustworthy open source icons?
    • Websites like FontAwesome, Iconmonstr, and The Noun Project are good places to start.

Finding the Best Open Source Icon Repositories

You’re building a website, an app, or perhaps crafting a presentation. Chances are, you’ll need icons. But where do you find them? While there are many paid options, we’re diving deep into the world of open-source icon repositories. Ever wondered why they’re so popular and how to pick the best? Let’s journey together.

The Rise of Open Source Icons
The digital landscape is constantly evolving. With it, the need for visually appealing graphics, especially icons, has grown exponentially.

What are open-source icons?
In the simplest terms, open-source icons are graphical representations free for public use, modification, and distribution. Think of them as the “Wikipedia” of the design world: free, community-driven, and constantly expanding.

The benefits of using open-source icons

Open-source icons offer a range of benefits for developers, designers, businesses, and users alike. Here are some of the advantages:

  1. Cost-Efficient: One of the primary benefits of open-source icons is that they are usually free of cost. This means businesses and individual users can utilize them without incurring additional expenses.
  2. Customizable: Open-source icons often come in editable formats, allowing designers and developers to modify them to fit specific brand guidelines or design needs.
  3. Wide Variety: The open-source community is vast and diverse. As a result, there’s a wide range of icon designs and styles available, catering to different aesthetic preferences and use cases.
  4. Frequent Updates: The community-driven nature of open-source projects means that icons can receive frequent updates and improvements based on feedback and changing needs.
  5. Collaborative Design: Open-source icons are often developed and improved by a community of designers and developers. This collaborative approach ensures diverse perspectives and ideas, leading to well-thought-out and versatile icon sets.
  6. Transparency: Users can see the source files and the design process behind open-source icons. This transparency ensures that there are no hidden elements or unintended aspects to the icons.
  7. Quality Assurance: Because many eyes review open-source projects, there’s a higher chance that errors or issues with icons are spotted and corrected quickly.
  8. Interoperability: Open-source icons are often designed with interoperability in mind, making them compatible with various platforms, tools, and software.
  9. Support and Documentation: Popular open-source icon sets often come with extensive documentation and are supported by active communities that can help troubleshoot issues or provide guidance.
  10. Ethical Considerations: Using open-source icons can be seen as an ethical choice because it promotes a culture of sharing, collaboration, and open access to resources.
  11. Consistency: Many open-source icon sets are designed with consistency in mind, ensuring that users have a cohesive visual experience across different platforms and applications.
  12. Global Reach: Since anyone around the world can contribute to and use open-source icons, they can be more inclusive and sensitive to global and cultural nuances.
  13. Innovation: The open nature of these resources encourages innovation as designers from various backgrounds contribute fresh ideas and designs.

In conclusion, open-source icons present a flexible, cost-effective, and collaborative solution for digital design needs. Whether for web design, mobile apps, or other digital platforms, they offer a rich resource that is continually evolving and adapting thanks to the contributions of the global community.

Key Features to Look for in an Icon Repository

When looking for an icon repository, there are several key features to consider to ensure you find the best fit for your needs:

  1. Wide Variety of Icons: A good repository should offer a vast collection of icons in different styles, categories, and themes to cater to diverse design requirements.
  2. Search Functionality: The ability to easily and efficiently search for specific icons based on keywords or categories is crucial. This helps in quickly finding the exact icons you need.
  3. Multiple Formats: The repository should provide icons in various formats like SVG, PNG, AI, EPS, etc., ensuring compatibility with different design tools and platforms.
  4. Consistent Style: If you’re looking to maintain design consistency across projects, choose a repository that offers icon sets with a consistent visual style.
  5. Customization Options: Some repositories offer tools to customize icons’ colors, sizes, or even shapes directly on the platform before downloading.
  6. Regular Updates: Check if the repository is regularly updated with new icons or if there are improvements made to the existing ones. This ensures you have access to the latest design trends and elements.
  7. Quality Assurance: High-quality icons are essential. Look for repositories that have a reputation for offering well-designed, sharp, and clear icons.
  8. Licensing Clarity: It’s crucial to understand the licensing terms of any icons you download. Whether it’s open-source, royalty-free, or requires attribution, the terms should be clear and straightforward.
  9. Responsive Design: Icons that are optimized for different screen resolutions and devices, especially if you’re designing for mobile or responsive web, can be highly beneficial.
  10. Metadata and Tags: Good repositories often include metadata and tags for their icons, aiding in SEO and more efficient categorization.
  11. Community and Support: A repository with an active community or support system can be beneficial, especially if you have questions, need customization help, or want to request specific icons.
  12. Download Flexibility: Some platforms allow you to download multiple icons at once or even entire sets, which can save a lot of time if you need many icons.
  13. Accessibility: The repository should ideally consider accessibility standards, ensuring that icons are designed in a way that’s inclusive for all users, including those with disabilities.
  14. Integration: Some repositories offer plugins or extensions that allow you to directly integrate their library into design tools like Adobe XD, Figma, or Sketch.
  15. Preview Options: The ability to preview how an icon might look in different scenarios, backgrounds, or sizes before downloading can be very helpful.

Selecting the right icon repository can greatly influence the efficiency of your design process and the final look and feel of your project. It’s worth taking the time to research and choose a platform that aligns with your specific requirements.

Top 5 Open Source Icon Repositories
Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for: the crème de la crème of open-source icon repositories.


As of my last training data in September 2021, Icons8 is a well-known icon repository, but it’s essential to clarify that Icons8 is not purely open-source. While they do offer many free icons and a range of other design assets, there are limitations on usage, and certain features or assets may require payment. The platform is best described as a combination of free and premium resources.

Here’s a quick overview of Icons8:

  1. Variety of Icons: Icons8 boasts a vast collection of icons in different styles, from flat and color icons to 3D and hand-drawn styles.
  2. Customization: One of the standout features of Icons8 is the ability to customize icon color, size, and format before downloading.
  3. Lunacy: Icons8 also provides a native Windows app named “Lunacy” which is designed to work with .sketch files, and it also integrates seamlessly with Icons8’s icon collection.
  4. Multiple Formats: Icons are available in various formats like PNG, SVG, PDF, and more.
  5. Integration: Icons8 can be integrated into software like Microsoft Office, Google Docs, G Suite, and more for easy access to icons.
  6. Licensing: It’s important to always check the licensing on Icons8. While many icons are available for free, they often require attribution. There are also premium plans which provide broader usage rights without the need for attribution.

If you’re specifically looking for open-source icon repositories, there are several other platforms like Font Awesome, Feather, and Material Icons which offer open-source icons under licenses that allow for more liberal use, modification, and distribution.

Always ensure that you review and understand licensing terms before using any icons in your projects, especially if they are for commercial purposes.

Need a comprehensive selection? FontAwesome might just be your new best friend. With thousands of icons at your fingertips, you’re spoilt for choice.

Simple, yet effective. Iconmonstr boasts a minimalist design, perfect for those who prefer a clean look.

Material Icons
Created by Google, Material Icons offers a sleek design philosophy, ensuring your projects always look contemporary.

Designed for web, iOS, and Android apps, Ionicons ensure you remain platform agnostic.

With icons from multiple repositories, Iconify is like the ultimate buffet. Dive in and enjoy the variety.

Using Icons Responsibly
Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

Always check the licensing. Some icons might require attribution or have restrictions on commercial use.

Give credit where it’s due. If the icon requires it, always attribute the original creator.

Open-source icon repositories are a treasure trove for designers and developers alike. With the diverse selection and the community’s backing, you’re sure to find the perfect icon for any project. Remember to use them responsibly, and the digital world is your oyster.


  1. Are all open-source icons free?
    Yes, but always check the licensing as some may require attribution.
  2. Can I modify open-source icons?
    Most of them, yes. However, ensure you check any associated licensing terms.
  3. Why are icons so important in digital design?
    Icons enhance user experience, guiding users through interfaces intuitively.
  4. Do all icon repositories offer the same quality of icons?
    Not necessarily. Always ensure the repository you choose is well-reviewed and trusted by the community.
  5. Can I use open-source icons for commercial projects?
    Many allow for commercial use, but always check the license to be sure.

Seamlessly Integrate Open Source Icons in Your Apps


Ever wondered how to give your app a polished look without breaking the bank? The magic might just be in the icons. If you think icons are mere decorations, think again! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of open-source icons and how they can be the perfect finishing touch to your app’s design.

The Importance of Icons in Apps

First Impressions Matter

Let’s face it; first impressions matter, especially in the app world. When a user first opens your app, the visual elements like icons play a critical role in capturing their attention and setting the mood. Icons are like the friendly smile of a greeter at a party—they make you feel welcome and eager to explore more.

Enhance User Experience

Beyond first impressions, icons add to the overall user experience. They provide visual cues, help in navigation, and make your app easier to use. Think of them as signposts guiding your users through a forest; without them, people would easily get lost.

What Are Open Source Icons?

Definition and Concept

Open source icons are visual elements that are free to use and often customizable. They are created and maintained by a community of designers and developers who contribute to the project.

Why Use Open Source?

One word: cost-effectiveness. Unlike paid icons, open-source icons don’t require any monetary investment, allowing developers on a budget to still create a visually appealing app.

Sources for Open Source Icons


This is the go-to source for a wide range of free icons. FontAwesome offers both free and paid versions, with a vast collection that can fit almost any project.

Material Icons

Developed by Google, Material Icons offer a clean and modern design. They integrate smoothly with Android applications and offer various customization options.


Another free, simple, and easy-to-use platform, Iconmonstr offers a variety of icons that you can customize according to your needs.

How to Integrate Open Source Icons

Getting Started

So, you’ve chosen your favorite open-source icons. What next? First, download the icons and read any documentation to understand how you can use and modify them.

Integrating open-source icons into your web or mobile applications can be a straightforward process, but the exact steps may vary depending on the source of the icons and the platform you’re working with. Here’s a general guide to help you get started:

Web Integration

  1. Choose Your Icon Library: The first step is to choose an open-source icon library that suits your needs. FontAwesome, Material Icons, and Iconmonstr are good places to start.
  2. Download or Link the Library: Some libraries allow you to download the entire set of icons, while others offer CDN links that you can include in your HTML file. For example, to use FontAwesome, you might include a line like this in your HTML header:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  3. Include the Icon: Once the library is linked or downloaded, you can include icons in your HTML using specific tags or classes. For instance, with FontAwesome:
    <i class="fas fa-user"></i>

    This will display a user icon where the tag is placed.

  4. Style as Needed: You can use CSS to style your icons, changing their color, size, or even animating them.

Mobile Integration

  1. Download the Icons: Choose your open-source icon set and download it. The icons are usually in SVG or PNG format.
  2. Add to Project: Place the downloaded icons in the respective directories for your mobile project.
    • For Android: Add the icons to the res/drawable folder.
    • For iOS: Add the icons to your assets catalog.
  3. Reference in Code: Use the icons in your app by referencing their file names.
    • For Android, you can use ImageView to display icons:

    • For iOS, you can use UIImage to set icons:
      let icon = UIImage(named: "icon_name")
      myImageView.image = icon
  4. Customize: Use native styling options to customize how your icons appear.

Best Practices

  • Always Check Licensing: Open-source doesn’t always mean free of restrictions. Some icons may require attribution.
  • Optimize for Different Resolutions: Make sure your icons look crisp on all screen sizes by using scalable formats like SVG where possible.
  • Test Rigorously: Especially in mobile apps, always test to make sure your icons are displayed correctly on different devices and orientations.

By following these steps and best practices, you can seamlessly integrate open-source icons into your web or mobile apps.

Best Practices for Using Icons


Keep the style, size, and color of your icons consistent. A mishmash of different icon styles can confuse the user.

Sizing and Scaling

Make sure to choose icons that scale well. You don’t want pixelated icons on a high-resolution device.


Use proper alt text for icons so that they are accessible to all users, including those using screen readers.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them


Always check the licensing requirements of open-source icons. While they are free, some might require attribution.

Cross-platform Challenges

When your app is cross-platform, you’ll need to ensure that the icons look good and function well on all devices. Test rigorously to avoid any hiccups.

Case Studies

Example 1

Let’s take Airbnb as an example. They use simple yet expressive icons to help users navigate through their app, making the user experience intuitive and engaging.

Example 2

WhatsApp also makes excellent use of icons. The ‘chat’ icon, for instance, is universally recognizable and sets the stage for user interaction.

Open source icons are a fantastic resource for both budding and experienced developers. They offer a cost-effective way to enhance the visual appeal and user experience of your apps. By understanding where to find these icons and how to integrate them seamlessly, you’re well on your way to creating an app that not only looks good but feels good to use.


  1. Where can I find reliable open-source icons?
    • FontAwesome, Material Icons, and Iconmonstr are excellent sources.
  2. Do I need to understand coding to integrate these icons?
    • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and mobile development platforms can be beneficial.
  3. Are all open-source icons really free?
    • Most are, but always check the licensing terms.
  4. Can I customize open-source icons?
    • Many open-source icons allow customization, but it’s essential to read the documentation.
  5. Do open-source icons affect the loading speed of my app?
    • If properly optimized, they should have minimal impact on your app’s performance.

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